Navagraha Temples - Sani(Saturn) - Thirunallar |
Thirunallar is 5 kilometers from karaikkal, Which can be reached by bus from
Mayiladuthurai (30km) from kumbakonam (45km) or from Nagapattinam (20km).
A separate sanctum is provided for shani. It is very pleasing to watch and
to worship the puja of Emerald linga, which is conducted around 10.AM daily.
The main deity - Sri Dharbaranyeswarar
Goddess - Sri Poghamartha Poonmulaiyal.
The temple is kept open from
6.00 A.M to 1.00 P.M
4.00 P.M to 9.00 P.M
The Charges for
Sahasranamam - Rs.60/-
Abishek - Rs.100/-
Shanthi Homam - Rs.800/-
Rudra Abishek - Rs.4000/-
The Executive Officer
Sri Dharbaranyeswarar Temple
Thirunallar-609 607.
Phone : (04368)236530.